  • 铜粉分离设备,铜细粉提纯设备,铜微粉浓缩,纳米级铜粉分离,铁粉分离设备,铁微粉分离设备,纳米级铁粉分离,微米级铁粉浓缩, 碳酸钡微粉提取,碳酸钡微粉分离,钛酸钡微粉过滤,钛酸钡微粉分离,钛酸钡微粉浓缩, 钛硅分子筛分离,钛硅分子筛提取,钛硅分子筛浓缩,钛硅分子筛洗涤,石墨乳浓缩设备,石墨乳分离设备,石墨乳洗涤机械,石墨乳提取设备,硼粉微粉提纯,硼粉微粉分选,硼粉微粉分离,硼粉微粉洗涤,内酰胺催化剂分离,内酰胺催化剂分级,内酰胺催化剂浓缩,内酰胺催化剂提纯,蒙脱石微粉提纯,蒙脱石微粉分级,蒙脱石微粉分选,蒙脱石微粉分离,金刚石微粉分离,金刚石微粉提纯,金刚石微粉分级,金刚石微粉浓缩,金粉提纯,金粉分离,金粉洗涤,金粉浓缩,硅藻土微粉提纯,硅藻土微粉分离,硅藻土微粉洗涤,高岭土分离,高岭土细微粉提纯,高岭土细微粉分离,催化剂微粉提纯,催化剂微粉分离,催化剂微粉洗涤,催化剂微粉提纯,银粉微粉分离,银粉微粉提纯,银粉微粉浓缩,铜粉分离,铜粉筛选,铜微粉提取,铜粉去杂,铜微粉分离技术,铝粉分离,铝粉洗涤,铝粉分级,纳米级铝粉分离,金刚石粉分离,金刚石微粉分离,金刚石微粉提纯

公司简介/ introduction

       安徽佰康精密机械有限公司是发展微nm科技与产业方面专门从事微nm粉体分离技术及应用研究的zy性公司。定位于开展金属类和非金属类微粉分离应用技术和工程化应用研究,建立相关的公共服务平台,以及搭建科研与产业之间的“桥梁”,推动微nm分离技术与成果的产业化发展。本公司zy从事金属及非金属各种粉体的超细分离,分级,精选提纯,浓缩脱水及超细粉体技术设备及技术工艺的生产和研发。公司经过多年分析并总结了欧洲技术特点,结合中国实际自主开发了WNXL-6系列超细微粉分离机组。分级分离微粉可达0.05μm,大颗粒小于4μm。采用多级串联或者并联进行分离或分选,结构先进、参数jq、精度高达0.05μm。在国内处于前沿地位。    WNXL-6系列超细微粉分离机组采用湿法分离,长锥可变底溢流口设计,具有超细分级、浓缩脱水、提纯除杂功能。该分离机组设计中采用多级多压多种规格分离,可集多种分离机于一体,具有占地小、能耗低、配置灵活的特点。结构上采用无盲区大角度引流渐开线方式,进浆浓度高、处理量大、分级精度好、成品流失量低。材料上采用20#钢/304/304L/316/316L/F46等为壳体,配合公司专门研制的多规格分离管,具有优异的耐磨损、耐腐蚀、抗老化、抗水解性。       WNXL-6系列超细微粉分离机组是gx节能的高新技术产品,具有自重轻、占地小、主机无运动部件,具有运行平稳,震动小、噪音低等特点,自动化程度高,可连续化c作,c作方便,设备维护简单。劳动强度低,生产效率高。以其优异的性能低廉的运营成本获得了国内广大客户的广泛赞誉。产品还出口周边众多g家及我国台湾地区。 本公司拥有雄厚的研发团队、科学的管理体系、完善的售后服务、良好的信誉保证、前沿的试验基地,可为您提供模拟工业试验。欢迎广大用户来电、来函询问,我们将竭诚为您服务! 












   Anhui baikang precision machinery co., LTD is a development of micro/nano science and technology and industry specializes in micro/nano powder separation technology and application research on the professionalism of the company. Aimed at conducting metal and non-metallic powder separation technology and engineering application research, establish the relevant public service platform, and building the "bridge" between scientific research and industry, promote the development of industrialization of micro/nano separation technology and achievement. Our company is specialized in metal and nonmetal materials in superfine separation, classification, purification, concentration dehydration and technical equipment and technological process of ultrafine powder production and research and development. The company after years of analysis and summarizes the technical features of Europe, combined with China's actual independently developed WNXL - 6 series ultrafine powder separation unit. Its technical performance fully match the international, the fractionation powder can reach 0.05 mu m, the largest particles less than 4 microns.
  WNXL - 6 series ultrafine powder separation unit is high efficiency and energy saving high-tech products, with light weight, covers an area of small, the host has no moving parts and are characterized by their smooth operation, little vibration, low noise characteristics, high degree of automation, continuous operation, convenient operation, maintenance is simple. The intensity of labor is low, high production efficiency. To many of its excellent performance, low operating costs won the good reputation from the customers in China. Surrounding the products are also exported many countries and our country Taiwan area.
The company has strong r&d team, scientific management system and perfect after-sales service, good reputation assurance, first-class test base, can provide you with simulating industrial test. Welcome the masses of the user calls, letter inquiries, we will serve you wholeheartedly.
Micro powder separation unit scope of application:
1, nano - micron grade zirconia, alumina, titanium oxide, magnesium oxide and rare earth oxides and so on various oxides in the washing purification;

2, nano - micron grade catalyst washing and recycling;

3, nano - micron grade boron powder cleaning and purification; Titanium silicon molecular sieve of molecular sieve washing purification;

4, nano - micron grade barium titanate, barium carbonate, nano inorganic salt washing purification;
5, nano - micron grade minerals such as kaolinite, montmorillonite, diatomite, washing purification;
6, nano - micron grade gold silver copper powder, iron powder and other washing purification;
7, nano - micron grade antibacterial material, nano drug washing purification;
8, nano - micron grade diamond powder washing purification;
9, the separation and enrichment of nano - micron grade graphite;
10, lactam catalyst recycling and washing separation;

电话:+86-0550-7647766   手机:13329206833  地址:安徽省天长市经济开发区天康大道南 备案号:皖ICP备18007426号-1

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